
Cool pen-pals with photos!

Last login
20,Apr 2024
Last update
07,Jan 2022
Quốc tịch
Hàn Quốc
Live in
Hàn Quốc 수원
Tiếng Triều Tiên Tiếng Anh Others
Finance / Economics
Tôn giáo
Không tôn giáo
Hi, I'm very interested of foreign cluture and people.
and in the future, I plan to live at other country and korea both. I hope I will make family with not korean.
so I want to have many experience of other culture and people!
I plan to buy 2 house, 1 house is in korea another is in other country.
I want to have friend and exchange culture or language.
If you come to korea or you live in korea already, I guide for you or study together!
I was born at 1990. no matter how old or young you are.
we will be good friend!
any country, any culture. I am happy to know you!
man or woman! both is good!
although my english skill is not good now, I will study hard everyday. and after some months or 1-2 years, I hope my skill is good for living at other country alone^^

Cool pen-pals with photos!

Hi, I'm very interested of foreign cluture and peo

Cool pen-pals with photos!

Last login
20,Apr 2024
Last update
07,Jan 2022
Quốc tịch
Hàn Quốc
Live in
Hàn Quốc 수원
Tiếng Triều Tiên Tiếng Anh Others
Finance / Economics
Tôn giáo
Không tôn giáo
Hi, I'm very interested of foreign cluture and people.
and in the future, I plan to live at other country and korea both. I hope I will make family with not korean.
so I want to have many experience of other culture and people!
I plan to buy 2 house, 1 house is in korea another is in other country.
I want to have friend and exchange culture or language.
If you come to korea or you live in korea already, I guide for you or study together!
I was born at 1990. no matter how old or young you are.
we will be good friend!
any country, any culture. I am happy to know you!
man or woman! both is good!
although my english skill is not good now, I will study hard everyday. and after some months or 1-2 years, I hope my skill is good for living at other country alone^^

Cool pen-pals with photos!