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Cool pen-pals with photos!


Total members : 622898

Gender : Nam
Age : 37
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hello. I m looking for a friend who can talk about health, habits, life, and etc. Background and gender don t matter. We can teach each other our language and culture. I enjoy traveling, working out a...
Gender : Nam
Age : 53
Live in : Hàn Quốc
私は平凡な人です 私は笑うのが好きで ユーモラスな話をするのが好きです 日本語ができないが翻訳機を通じてでも話ができれば熱心にします 良い友達と友情を築いて楽しく話したい...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 26
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hello, nice to meet you. I am looking for friends here. I am 27 years old and currently unemployed. My hobbies are drawing or music. I am waiting for someone who can be my close friend. こんにちは 初めまして こち...
Gender : Nam
Age : 18
Live in : Hàn Quốc
I want to know the language culture of foreign countries. Let me tell you the culture of Korea. I like to play games these days Sometimes I look at the Christmas tree, but I can t hear the carol. It s...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 40
Live in : Nhật
말과 사진 등을 나누면서 일상, 문화를 공유하고 싶어요. 저는 기혼자입니다, 성, 연애 목적, 사기 등은 삼가주세요. 言葉や写真などを交わして何気ない毎日 日常 文化を共有したいです...
Gender : Nam
Age : 44
Live in : Nhật
こんにちは 日本の大阪に住むあつしと言います 久しぶりにペンパル再開しました 国籍に関係なく いろいろな年代の海外の方とのメール交換できる人を探しています ゆっくり長くで...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 43
Live in : Nhật
HelloI m 43years old female living in Tokyo, Japan. I m looking for snail mail friends from around the world who are interested in exchanging handwritten letters and small gifts. I don t mind your nat...