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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 622026

Gender : Nam
Age : 18
Live in : Hàn Quốc
こんにちは 18歳の韓国人男子学生です 外国人の友達を作りたいです よろしくお願いします Hello. I am an 18 year old Korean student. I want to make foreign friends. I look forward to your kind cooperation. 안녕...
Gender : Nam
Age : 27
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hi I m Brian Lee. The reason why I joined this place is to improve my english skill and make friends. I don t want to have a short exchange. So, I would be so happy if someone who wants to continue lo...
Gender : Nam
Age : 43
Live in : Morocco
Hello everybodyMy name is Jad and I am 43 years old. I come from Morocco. I like reading, learning foreign languages, making friends from all over the world, tennis, football, art, nature, watching TV...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 31
Live in : Nhật
안녕하세요, 처음 뵙겠습니다. 한국인과 친구가 되고 싶습니다. 얼마 전 서울에 다녀왔고, 한국을 좋아하게 되었습니다. 음식이 맛있었고, 정말 즐거웠습니다. 좋아하는 일은 산책과 유...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 25
Live in : Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
Hello everyoneI m from Turkey. I want to improve my Japanese and English. Since i m Turkish i can help you to practice Turkish too. I d like to meet people from any country. I want to have a long frie...
Gender : Nam
Age : 38
Live in : Hàn Quốc
안녕하세요서울에 살고 있는 일본사람입니다. 한국에 온지 2년이 됐지만 코로나 때문에 한국 친구가 거의 없습니다. 저는 많은 한국분들과 교류하고 한국어 능력도 더 올리고 싶다고 생...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 31
Live in : Thái Lan
Hi, I love aquarium and art galleries. I want to make various friends from many different country. I can speak Thai language and English language and now I m studying Korean language for make my dream...