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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621392

Gender : Nữ
Age : 36
Live in : Nhật
안녕하세요. 나는 일본에 사는 여성입니다 K pop을 듣게 한국을 좋아하게되었습니다. 한국 여행도 갔다. 좋아하는 나라의 말을 기억하고 싶어서 한국의 친구를 갖고 싶어서 등록했습니다. ...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 37
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hello Do you have a friend who will be my pen pal Please send me an e mail if you re going to be my precious friend こんにちは 私とペンパルする友達はいますか 大切な縁になる方たちにメールお願いし...
Gender : Nam
Age : 47
Live in : Hàn Quốc
I only lived in Korea, so I came because I wanted to know the wider world. I will always be in a learning position. Actually, I m an introvert, but I wanted to have a long conversation with my friend,...
Gender : Nam
Age : 38
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hi. Good to see you. I m Korean and living in JeonJu, which is the southern small town of Korea. I m looking for a friend to talk with. I prefer email, but I gladly welcome snail mail. Coffee and cook...
Gender : Nam
Age : 29
Live in : Nhật
こんにちは 私は2022. 6月中旬に日本の東京に就職することになりました 日本語を読んだり書くことはできませんが 聞くことはNativeでできます たくさんの日本人と友達になりたいです ...
Gender : Nam
Age : 53
Live in : Nhật
Hello everyoneThank you for looking at my profileI d like to make long term penpals and friends from all around the worldI run my own business. it’s profitable but requires long working hour. Somethin...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 16
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hello. I m 2007, korean. I m studying Japanese and English. 안녕하세요. 일본어, 영어 공부 중인 한국 07입니다. 언어교환하면서 공부하고 싶습니다. 잘 부탁드립니...