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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

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Gender : Nữ
Age : 34
Live in : Nhật
はじめまして韓国から帰国したばかりの日本人です 旅行が好きで 新しいことを知るのが大好きです映画やミュージカルも好きで よく見ます たくさんの方と仲良くできたら うれしい...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 23
Live in : Hoa Kỳ
Hi my name is Bailee and I am from the United States I like visiting my family overseas and trying new things. I am a student studying buiness. My hobbies are hiking, gardening, reading comic books. I...
Gender : Nam
Age : 30
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Helloはじめまして 안녕하세요저는 부산에 살고 있는 93년생 한국인입니다. 약간 서툴지만 영어와 일어 모두 가능합니다. KBS한국어능력검정시험 한국인을 위한 고급한국어시험이에요 1급 ...
Gender : Nam
Age : 18
Live in : Nhật
hi, I m a Japanese high school student. I m 18 y. o. I want to make friendsMy hobby is to listen VOCALOID’s music, and drawin...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 32
Live in : Hàn Quốc
こんにちは 30代前半の既婚です 結婚する前はCAだったので 福岡に毎回泊まっていました 日本の温泉が好きでいろんなところ 特に九州の温泉にはたくさん行きました 今後機会があれば...
Gender : Nam
Age : 22
Live in : Trung Quốc
我来自中国 目前是一名中学教师 工作之余正在学习日汉互译 希望在这里练习日语写作 同时也欢迎各国朋友和我练习汉语 有时可能回复得比较晚 还请多多包涵…… 中国人です 今はしば...
Gender : Nam
Age : 26
Live in : Hàn Quốc
Hello. nice to meet you. I would like to make jap firiends and learn japanese. and if you want to learn korean, I will teach you anytime. do not hesitate to send message. but answer will be not so fas...