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Cool pen-pals with photos!

Open Penpal Search

Total members : 621114

Gender : Nữ
Age : 32
Live in : Hàn Quốc
こんにちは 30代前半の既婚です 結婚する前はCAだったので 福岡に毎回泊まっていました 日本の温泉が好きでいろんなところ 特に九州の温泉にはたくさん行きました 今後機会があれば...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 47
Live in : Nhật
はじめまして こんにちは 私は海外に興味があり こちらのサイトに登録しました 趣味は 読書 編み物 アロマテラピーです のんびりとお茶を飲んだり 青空を眺めるのも好きです お互い...
Gender : Nam
Age : 32
Live in : Hàn Quốc
久しぶりにプロフィールを修正しましたが アクセス数が多くてびっくりしました しかし悲しいことにメッセージは全然来なかったです. ペンパル友達を作りたくて加入しました まだ...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 21
Live in : Hoa Kỳ
IG adore. heyc 안녕하세요나는 한국어를 조금 알아요I will be traveling to Korea soon ,so i have been learning the language and trying to make new friends who can help me learn I would like to travel to japan as well 나...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 24
Live in : Mexico
Hi thereMy name is Jaisa, nice to meet you. I m a Mexican 24 years old girl. My hobbis is. Watch movies and series, listen to music, Play video games and Walk. I like animals a lot. o If you want a si...
Gender : Nữ
Age : 24
Live in : Italy
HelloCiao I’m 24 years old and I’m Italian. I have a lot of hobbies and I really like to talk with people and meet new friendsFor me friendships are really important and I’ll be glad to share daily li...
Gender : Nam
Age : 25
Live in : Hàn Quốc
안녕하세요 한국에 사는 99년생 대학생입니다. 소소하게 일상 이야기를 할 수 있는 친구를 사귀고 싶어서 가입했어요. 취미는 요즘은 산책하고 책 읽기입니다. 영화도 좋아하는데 추천해 ...