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Look at the cute dog from Japan!!!!!!!!
22,Aug 2011 05:04 PM
30,May 2014 07:59 PM
Total comment(s) :32
wa cute!!!!!!♥
vlxjvos | 30,May 2014
Like a doll... soooo cute♥♥♥
h22yeon | 28,May 2014
Awww so cute (^_^)
it looks like a doll ♡.♡
beyzaexo | 28,May 2014
y-so | 17,May 2014
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
wow!so cute!!!!!!
lamyo | 15,May 2014
bst_9 | 08,May 2014
이히힉 ㅋㅋㅋ 애기야아~~~
kaffe | 05,May 2014
He seems like liitle fox!!
I wanna have it kkk
Give me one
wltksaus | 02,May 2014
Too cute to be ture.
apfelzhu | 27,Dec 2013
ddpp9041 | 02,Dec 2013
awwww so cute ^-^
ash13 | 02,Dec 2013
Is the dog alive? Looks way too cute almost evil :P
Just saying
banks | 02,Dec 2013
How lovely!
chancy | 02,Dec 2013
This dog name is Syunsuke!!!

He looks very cute!!!

Like doll^^
xoxo_n | 24,Nov 2013
oh my god..I have ever seen the cutest dog :)
크로커스 | 24,Nov 2013
I want one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dream dog!
allie818 | 01,Oct 2013
ohhhhhhh :O really cute
strega | 01,Oct 2013
Very cute!
i.e1109 | 30,Sep 2013
oooowww :) very sweet^ _^
aysima | 30,Sep 2013
We owned the same cute Dogg
kelvinks | 30,Sep 2013
Sooo beautiful dog! *O*
ennisc | 30,Sep 2013
Boo pomeranian! i want to it's dog it's so cute! ^^
aysee | 30,Sep 2013
hahaka4 | 29,Sep 2013
sooooooooooooo cute
elly_ | 29,Sep 2013
So cute!
Looks like a doll,
Can not believe,
he( or she??) Can breath and move.
mallen | 29,Sep 2013
omg!!! I want one very badly!!! how much is it and where can I get one?
norriie | 29,Sep 2013
SMCUBE | 29,Sep 2013
omg omg omg i want it! so cute!
aysee | 24,Sep 2013
oh~~~~It's very very cute~☆I~ love it!!!!!!!!
☆Rebecca★ | 22,Aug 2011
yep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i love it ,too^^
Jinyi^^ | 22,Aug 2011
Deleted by writer
Jinyi^^ | 22,Aug 2011