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I think these are funny^^
30,May 2013 12:33 PM
30,Nov 2013 09:26 AM
OMG crying macaroniXD
This bird REALLY loves chocolate kkk
I feel sooo bad for laughing at this..but I couldn't help it XP
Total comment(s) :7
You know how you post it makes it even more funny.

If you can't be a crown to the level, don't try to be one of the funny part.

I'm not boring, I'm just saying and suggesting. Thanks.
Tommy88 | 30,Nov 2013
Second one is like.. story of my life ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
mollybv | 30,Nov 2013
Silly! Hope the bird got the chocolate out of its
feathers!! :)
l611045 | 30,Nov 2013
Thank you tumblr for existing xD
vevu_ | 30,May 2013
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
itstiombee_ | 31,May 2013
ah!!!kkkk what it's?
Lamis | 30,May 2013
Funny picture!
itstiombee_ | 31,May 2013