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I visit to istanbul today and I see some korean people^^I am very happy because I love korean
14,Jan 2014 10:55 PM
25,Jan 2014 05:50 AM
I see korean people and I take foto with they^^ really korean people are very sweet :)) I be very happyyy :) )
Total comment(s) :9
Your face very pretty~!
hjlove04 | 24,Jan 2014
Wow~thank you so much♥
hjlove04 | 25,Jan 2014
Ahh thanks ^^ you more pretty :>
buussrra | 25,Jan 2014
Ah sevimliii. :D
Bende yazın gittim. :3 O mutluluk tarif edilmez.:D
senalmh | 23,Jan 2014
Aynn :D
buussrra | 23,Jan 2014
çok tatlıyız afhadffs we are sweet guys!!
ylzlgr19 | 15,Jan 2014
Sorry! A new member could not leave a comment for a while.
Ow yeaaah^^
buussrra | 15,Jan 2014
wow !
hepiniz çok tatlısınız :)
rabia☆ | 14,Jan 2014
Ah Teşekkürler canımm :)
buussrra | 14,Jan 2014